Chucky Episode 6 Critics Ending Explained

Ever since its release, Chucky has managed to impress the fans of the iconic film with its translation as a TV show. While the first few episodes of Chucky are more emphasised on the story of the original film, as the episodes pass the show takes a left turn down the road and adapts a new storyline. For one instance it can be said that hardcore fans of the film would be enjoying the particular switch between the storylines. With the latest episode, ‘Cape Queer’, Chucky deviates from the path of its originality and gears up for a road not taken before. The sixth and the latest episode of the show, however came with some big shocks for the viewers of the show. 

Two Deaths And A Devastating Blow

The first half of Chucky Season 1 was responsible for setting up the basic storyline by bringing back some old characters with a few new ones that we know from the ‘Child’s Play’ franchise. And now, the sixth episode of the show collides with everything that comes into the lane. In the episode, we saw Jake trying to seek Andy Barclay’s help to deal with Chucky. But just before Andy shakes his hand to help Jake, Chucky delivers yet another blow, and this time it leads to a shocking end of Chucky episode 6. 

Chucky Episode 6 Ending Explained!

The murderios charade of Chucky does not stop. In the sixth season we witnessed the death of two important characters of the series. Chucky first kills Detective Bree, and makes it resembling as a suicide. Bree dies at a point of time when she refuses to get treated for her cancer, where she has a slight chance to recover. This makes Bree the perfect target for Chucky to add chaos into the life of Jake. 

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As the episode progresses towards its end, Lexy is cornered by Chucky in the Wheeler house, where she is offered a deal to kill Jake and save herself from the mischievous doll. At this point of time, we see the arrival of Jake, but before he can even attack Chucky, he disappears but soon is tasered by Devon.

Not too much affected by the taser, Chucky recovers quickly and runs away. This is when Detective Evans arrives at the house, and is pushed downstairs by Chucky only to get her neck snapped during the fall. The episode marks the death of Detective Bree, and Detective Evans, as Andy warns everyone that the doll will try to use their vulnerability of emotions against themselves. 

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