Changing bad habits is possible, start with these!

Our lifestyle is determined by certain habits and routines that can benefit or harm us. Most of them know what customs they should change, but knowing it is not enough to improve, you have to take action! If you’ve ever tried it, but it hasn’t worked for you, don’t throw in the towel. Today we want to tell you, with total certainty, that Changing bad habits is possible if you learn to identify and schedule them in your day to day. Are you ready to improve your life? Do not wait more! It is normal that, if we do not stop to review our routine, we are not aware of all the actions that make it up. This means that sometimes we live automatically and we are not aware of what can be beneficial or harmful to our life and our health. That is why many people, when stopping to review different aspects, realize that several of them must be transformed to improve at all levels. If we are not aware of how we live, changing bad habits becomes a difficult task. Therefore, the first thing to do, although not the only thing, is to identify them. Review what behaviors in your routine are preventing you from moving towards the place you want to be; they prevent you from carrying out your activities with full productivity; they make you not feel good about yourself; they harm your health and reduce well-being, etc. Later we will give you some ideas to see if you identify with some of them, since they are basic things that we believe are essential to attend to.

Change bad habits, how to do it?

The first thing you should keep in mind is that changing habits is not achieved from one day to the next, because a habit is a repeated action over time that sometimes becomes unconscious once integrated. Therefore, it is logical that you need time to build it, identify with it, experience results and maintain it over time. We can summarize in 5 steps the change process:

Identify which habits you want to change. Write them down in a notebook, one by one, regardless of whether the list is longer than you thought a priori. You won’t have to tackle them all at once, but it will help you to look at your routine with perspective and become aware.
Study the purposes to the millimeter. It is important that they are as detailed as possible, for example, it will not be enough that you want to “eat better”. From this first intention, he extracts the specific points, such as: reducing the consumption of ultra-processed foods, increasing the number of fruits per day, leaving chocolate for the weekends, etc. We only give you examples, you must personalize your objectives.
park the excuses. It is likely that, in many of your changes, you will find reasons that make the process impossible, according to you. “I want to quit smoking, but now I’m very stressed”, “I would like to eat healthier, but I don’t have time”… If you really have interest and desire, you will find a way beyond excuses.
Define a deadline and an order. You cannot start improving your lifestyle and expect to apply all the modifications at the same time and also expect the best results. It is important that you be realistic, set deadlines, small purposes and then bigger ones.
Visualization and work. Visualize yourself achieving those goals, being a person who lives the way you imagine and want for yourself and review how you feel. Do you think you will be happier, have better health and achieve your goals? So that’s the way, now you just have to be consistent and work for it!

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Start changing these habits

Although each person is different and has specific circumstances, there are some basic pillars of any healthy lifestyle that must be met. Therefore, below, we give you some basic ideas that you should consider and, why not, start there! Maybe a light bulb goes on and you notice that you should improve in the following aspects:

Are you a sedentary person? Start giving movement to your body. Walk more, do frequent physical exercise, enjoy active breaks on your days off (go on nature trails, bike, dance, stretch…).
Do you take the elevator, even to go up one floor? The elevator, with few exceptions, no longer exists for you. Take the stairs and set yourself challenges, see how your resistance improves little by little and activate your body. Keep in shape!
Are you continually distracting yourself with your mobile? Try to focus on one thing and concentrate. Put aside social networks, games and chats for a while and be your best version in what you are doing. You will be surprised what you are capable of giving when you take things seriously.
Is your diet unhealthy? We are what we eat and we have a great responsibility for our own state of health. Start changing your nutritional habits and if you don’t know how to do it, have a nutritionist to guide you. At Vikika Team we have diet plans 100% adapted to your tastes and needs.
training is essential, at any age, in any circumstance. Strength work can always be adapted to specific circumstances such as age, previous experience, objective, injuries or pathologies, etc. There are no excuses, it is a basic need for your body to function properly. If you need us, you can count on the diet and training plan, ideal for training at home or in the gym, or through the Entrain Virtual platform.
Do you have a hard time sleeping and don’t have a proper night routine? Rest is essential for our body to function properly and perform during the day. If you don’t sleep well, try to put a solution. Some ideas are to have dinner hours in advance, leave the screens an hour before, a shower before rest, order and cleanliness in the bedroom, reading or meditation before bed… If none of this works, do not hesitate to go to a specialist to review your case and put a solution.
Taking care of mental health, essential! If you feel that something is not working inside you, you don’t feel well and you don’t know how to remedy it, consulting a psychologist is the best option. Because we know the importance of mental health, at Vikika Team we have a psychology team ready to help you. Now that you have some tips to change bad habits, venture into it with enthusiasm and enthusiasm. This is the best trick to achieve success. Go for all!

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