That is why Krasnodar will not become a champion: only Galitsky can solve this problem

The problems of the RPL leader. On Friday, Krasnodar defeated Paris NN with a score of 3: 0, bursting in first place in the RPL – until the matches of Zenit and Spartak. “Krasnodar” overtakes competitors for three points, but the main thing-finally interrupted the series without victories. She continued since November: then Krasnodar defeated the hopeless “Orenburg”, after which he gathered four draws and severe defeat from Spartak-at home with a score of 0: 3.

“Krasnodar” wins, but still unstable

It is “Spartak” that many consider to be a shadow favorite of the championship: when Krasnodar stalled in front of the winter break, the red and white ones gained move-winning six times in a row. Now on XPOINTS (expected points) red-white, having a match in stock, in the first place (39.25), Krasnodar in the second (39.24), Zenit in the third (34.94). But after a vivid victory over the “Paris”, Krasnodar can break into the race.Evgeny Semenov, Sport24 Krasnodar won powerfully, but do not forget – before that he had not won as many as five matches. And last Saturday, he looked terribly at home with the “wings”, almost losing – the goalkeeper of the Agnkats saved in the last minutes. Yes, and “Paris”, although he played at home, is not too dangerous for the grades-I missed the same three goals from Dynamo, Lokomotiv, Zenit and Spartak. “Krasnodar” is still a fever: behind a failed match against the “wings of the Soviets”-showed the extravaganza against the “Paris”. The same was in the first round: 11 wins in a row, and then 5 matches without victories. Despite this, Krasnodar went to the first break and retains leadership. Although it is unlikely that anyone with confidence will call the “Krasnodar” the favorite of the race. The “Krasnodar” also went to break the first, overtaking “Zenit” two points last season. As a result, the championship gave the Petersburg to the Petersburgs – and this is not the first time with Krasnodar. The first long -awaited championship that Galitsky deserved does not come. And there are a number of factors that can deprive the “Krasnodar” title this

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Why is Krasnodar not a favorite for the championship?

Short bench and lack of transfersMusaev did a good job: “Krasnodar” is a very played team, where each player is a leader in his site. In how 34-year-old Petrov found a second wind, how Viktor Sa opened on the flank, how he played the “eight” of Chernikov, the merit of the coach. But for the team fighting for the title, the bench is important, and there is practically no Krasnodar with Krasnodar. Every injury can become fatal, because Krasnodar will pass in this zone. This happened at the training camp when, due to injuries, the midfielder Chernikov and the central defender of the trade were left. Although Musaev voiced his positions for strengthening (Winger and Central Defender), in winter Krasnodar did not buy anyone. And this surprises: Krasnodar the second season in a row has a real chance of becoming a champion, but does not intensify. Instead, the club sells Castagano before the start of the spring segment, even more weakening the center of the field.Dependence of the game on cordoba and stir“Krasnodar” is very dependent on the ligament of the leaders: the playmaker of the stalk and the central forward cordobis. When Krasnodar did not win five matches in a row, stole and cordobes did not score a single score for a goal+pass. At the same time, when Krasnodar defeated 11 times in a row, stolen and cordobes showed a chic segment: the first 6+3, the second – 8+4.Evgeny Semenov, Sport24 in the match with the “Paris” Kordoba scored, and Krasnodar interrupted the unlikely situation. At the same time, the stalk has a trauma – he dropped out for several weeks, which also complicates the spring start for Krasnodar. Although the main leader of the team remains Cordoba that they showed two matches with Spartak before the break. Krasnodar defeated Spartak on October 19 in Moscow 3-0-Kordoba destroyed the defense of the red and white, declare Abena. But on December 1, Krasnodar lost 0: 3 on his field – Spartak carried out work on mistakes, and Babich and Duarte were closed by Cordoba, turning him off the game.Musaev's problems with a spring segmentIt cannot be argued that Musaev is a coach who always fails spring. But the facts confirm: after the break, he often gives out not the best segment, which also reduces the chances of Krasnodar to the championship. The club has already lost points with the “wings of the Soviets” in his field, and this is not the limit. Now Musaev showed himself in the spring in the previous seasons in Krasnodar. In two seasons-more than half of the matches without victories: season-2018/2019: 6 victories in 11 matches. Seson-2019/2020: 5 wins in 11 matches. Season-2020/2021: 3 Victories in 11 matches.Evgeny Semenov, Sport24Heavy scheduleThe Krasnodar in the spring has an insidious schedule. Of the matches with the leaders – traveling to CSKA and Zenit, home with Dynamo. But at the same time, there are a lot of home matches with the middle peasants: “Wings”, “Truck”, “Acron”, “Akhmat”, “Rubin”. “Krasnodar” has already stumbled at home with “wings” and proved that this is not the team that won 11 times in a row in the first circle. The Spring “Krasnodar” met with the same problems, because of which he went to a break on the decline. Therefore, “Krasnodar” is hard to call the favorite of the race, because Zenit and Spartak intensified well in winter, which could become their advantage.

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