Martín Guzmán met alone with Eduardo de Pedro, in the midst of the all-out fight between the President and Cristina Kirchner
Martin Guzman, the most criticized official Cristina Kirchner, he entered the Casa Rosada at a steady pace, as almost always. But, instead of heading for the stairs that take him to the presidential office, the Minister of Economy got into the bunker of the camporismo in Balcarce 50, the office occupied by the Minister of the Interior, Eduardo “Wado” of Pedro. a while before, Gabriel Katopodis, one of the officials closest to Alberto Fernandez, had called to re-establish dialogue with the vice president. Concern about the effects of the fight between the head of state and the former president mobilized the second lines, who are looking for points of agreement. De Pedro, one of the leaders of La Campora, and Guzmán, who last Friday was mistreated by Maximo KirchnerThey were alone for about 40 minutes. The meeting was a message: it can still be managed with insurmountable differences, official sources assured. The meeting took place in the midst of the total fracture between Fernández and Cristina Kirchner, and while the government’s dialogue wing is not resigned to losing the battle. “Wado and Guzmán always had a good relationship,” they highlighted from both trenches. Even the head of the Treasury Palace and the political minister had surprised their peers a year ago, putting together a parallel agenda of trips to the interior, which was interrupted by the fight between their bosses.Guzmán and De PedroInterior“The meeting was good” was the only thing that came out of De Pedro’s office on the ground floor of Government House. In Economy they recalled, for example, the support that the Minister of the Interior gave to the agreement that Argentina reached with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the renegotiation of the debt of more than 44,000 million dollars that the country maintains with the organization . “Avoid an immediate economic catastrophe,” he stressed in March in an interview with the Spanish newspaper El País. That phrase earned De Pedro harsh questions from within the organization led by the son of the vice president, who resigned as chief. of Deputies in rejection of the understanding with the IMF. The excuse for today’s meeting was the signing of the Austral Development Trust (FIDA) with the governor of Tierra del Fuego, Gustavo Melella. “Work and production are the axes of our Government and it is the path that we undertook on December 10, 2019,” said Guzmán, who thus ratified the economic plan in progress, one of the main axes of criticism of Kirchnerism.The Minister of the Interior, Wado de Pedro, and his economics counterpart, Martín Guzmán, led today at Casa Rosada the signing of the Austral Development Trust (FIDA) with the Governor of Tierra del Fuego, Gustavo MelellaMinistry of the InteriorThe internal crisis that is going through to the Front of All pushed some officials to find a way to reassure the space. “The dialogueists return to the charge,” summed up a leader aware of the underground talks to achieve points of agreement. In this group are two of the main collaborators of the head of state, such as the ministers Katopodis (Public Works) and John Zabaleta (Social Development). Although the chances of achieving a rapprochement between the President and his vice president are increasingly remote, they do not cease in their attempts and winks, even if it is only a first step. In a convulsive scenario, Katopodis tried to rebuild one of the bridges. “We are not [solo] to hear Cristina’s opinion [Kirchner]but for Cristina to actively participate in decision-making with Alberto”, highlighted the mayor of San Martín on leave. Katopodis and Zabaleta traveled to La Plata two weeks ago, to the residence occupied by the Buenos Aires chief of staff, Martín Insaurralde, to meet with Maximo Kirchner Y Andres Larroque, who were representing the vice president. Although the reserved efforts did not have any direct effect, some close to Fernández highlighted all the steps that were taken to try to break the resistance of those who do not want to know anything with a ceasefire within the Frente de Todos without a total capitulation of their rivals. .
Alberto Fernández and Minister Katopodis, at the Olivos residence “Cristina’s opinion is always listened to,” Katopodis said in dialogue with El Destape and added that “there is no doubt” that the former president’s opinion “is listened to because of its relevance , conceptual clarity and his experience”, and because, “every time he gives his opinion, he wants the best for the Front of All”. At the same time, he highlighted the proposals made by Máximo Kirchner and Serge Massa, such as the advancement of the minimum wage and profits. “From the Government we are always attentive to what Cristina or Máximo say,” said the minister, who asked “to get Alberto and Cristina to get together.” However, he stressed: “The Frente de Todos is much bigger than the agreement between Alberto and Cristina. Let’s value that.” Katopodis, Zabaleta and Insaurralde, among others, seek to impose a new enemy within the ruling coalition to avoid more internal conflicts. “Here there are not four models in conflict, there are only two,” summarized official sources, referring to Together for Change. “We have to multiply the tables, we cannot sit idly by,” they concluded.