Jordin Sparks Is Spotted Dating

Jordin Sparks Is Spotted Dating With? Who is that Lucky Guy?

Jordin Sparks Is Spotted Dating With: As far as she is concerned, Jordin Sparks is with the man of her dreams! The 30-year-old singer opened up to Andrea Boehlke on PEOPLE in 10 put some light on her marriage to Dana Isaiah.

Sparks, 30, said, “I do not know if this is a shocking has simply been utter affirmation for me that this is the guy I am intended to be with.” When it comes to “everything,” Dana “is everything,” he says. “He in life [and] thriving.”

 He is a wonderful person. Also, He is a great guy. And I consider him to be my best friend “She went on. Confirmation has been a wonderful thing. Even though I already knew he was the one.”

Isaiah, 28, and Sparks, 28, married in secret in 2017. So, Dana Isaiah Thomas Sr. Or DJ as the family calls him. Also, He was born in 2018 to the couple as their first child.

Jordin Sparks is with the man of her dreams!

Even in the span of one year, DJ has matured “like enormously,” Sparks told Boehlke. “We can now have full-fledged discussions after his chat. In addition, he relates everything to what he is referring to in his speech.”

People recently spoke to American Idol alum Nicole Scherzinger, who said that she and Danawanted to go for the holidays and “take the chance.” Since Sparks’ husband had not visited in about a year, they decided to go ahead and do so.

Jordin Sparks Is Spotted Dating With: As far as she is concerned, Jordin Sparks is with the man of her dreams! The 30-year-old singer opened up to Andrea Boehlke on PEOPLE in 10 put some light on her marriage to Dana Isaiah.

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“we will follow all the procedures” she said. A new nephew was born during this period, and I am eager to cuddle him and slobber all the hugs I can muster. Since he is adorable and I can hardly wait.

After saying that she expects her husband, DJ’s father, will be “overjoyed” to have him join his family, Sparks went on to explain that she is “.so excited to watch” how DJ interact.

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