A real Russian wall! Kochetkov “dried” the star Kane and Teyvz, scoring the match to zero

Maxim Zamyatin27 saved shots – and the first “cracker” in the NHL in his pocket. Last season, the goalkeeper Petr Kochetkov left a hockey memory of himself in Chicago, winning the main AHL trophy, the Calder Cup, for the Chicago Wolves team. And on the night of Monday to Tuesday, he reminded the Windy City of himself by chalking up the first game to zero in his NHL career. His current brilliant game in the Chicago United Center was not accidental. Kochetkov demonstrated the second confident match in a row, increasing his own winning streak to five meetings (taking into account last season). This time the Russian did not have to make any crazy saves – it was just a very reliable game, without panic and nerves, although the support of the Carolina defenders was very lame at times. “I think Peter will be a star in this league for a long time to come. Especially in our team. Kochetkov is very focused and attentive, ”the Carolina forward praised his compatriot Andrey Svechnikovwho scored a goal. Kochetkov’s 27 saves were fewer than those of his counterpart Petr Mrazek, but the Hurricanes goalkeeper left his goal intact, while the Czech missed three times. “He just scored a cool move,” explained with a smile after the game, Hurricanes head coach Rod Brindamore.“Kochi is our star without a doubt,” concluded the veteran Jordan Staal.This season, Kochetkov played two matches, in which he saved 47 out of 49 shots in total. The percentage of reflected shots – 95.9% – is much higher than that of his competitors Frederik Andersen and Antti Raanta, but the Russian has played much fewer matches, so talking about the fact that Peter imposed real competition is too early.

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