ÓRAL, Güey, Boricua, Birria: The new words in Spanish that enter the Oxford Dictionary

The colorful expression “Orale, Güey!”so common of daily speech in Mexico, it is now part of the 66 words and expressions in Spanish that el English Oxford Dictionary added to its compendium of more than 500,000 words and phrasesThe new OED update (according to its acronym in English) this week presented a sample of these tens of new words that are used daily in the English of the United States and that they have a Hispanic origin. The OED said that Spanish and English “are languages ​​with a long history of contacts and mutual influences, as evidence strongly influenced by the Spanish spoken by Mexicans, Cubans and Puerto Ricans in the US, since these are the most numerous Hispanic speakers in that country. And, as it becomes evident, food is one of the strongest spaces for influence of words with English. The English oxford dictionary has 66 new words and expressions of the Spanishgetty images

Words and expressions

The dictionary, which has about 2000 words whose origin is Spanish, since the fourteenth century, now has 66 new terms. At the classification of their origin, the OED gave some examples of words and expressions of everyday use in the US that have Mexican origin, such as “in Órale”, an interjection that is used to express surprise or express affirmation. Another of very frequent use is “güey” A silly person, but its use has been transformed to generally refer to a person. “Primo” and “Prima”, which have the same meaning, were also added. The terms “Chilango” (person originally from Mexico City), “Naco” (noun to refer to a person without education or in bad taste), or “Pinche” (adjective to express contempt or point to something with little value) were also included. Among the multiple words of Mexican cuisine are: barbecue, barbecue, birria, comal, comal, comal, comal, comal, comal Elote, refused beans and cake. The Birria tacos are one of the most consumed Mexican cuisine dishes in the USAunque Puerto Rico is part of the US, its informal gentilicio in Spanish, “Puerto Rican”, was not part of the OED so far. From the island they also rescue “Cuchifritos”, a traditional Puerto Rican plate of pork and vegetables that is eaten as a snack. The inhabitants of the island, but also because of the sandwich that is prepared in Florida with ham, pork, cheese and pepinillos in a roasted bread.The explains that the foreign words written with diacritical signs tend to lose them when they are provided to English, but sometimes they are preserved. The words “güey” and “charrería” Signs in Spanish for its wide use with those spellings.BBC World

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